Monday, August 3, 2015

We LOVE Early Intervention

We LOVE Early Intervention
We have been so blessed with the team of doctors, support of family and friends, an amazing community, and an incredible Early Intervention team.  I often think back to when Elizabeth was only a few months old, and we started receiving Early Intervention services for her.  We began with one hour of PT a week, and we continued to build our team as we noticed more and more delays and needs that Elizabeth was displaying.  Honestly, I was initially hesitant to start Early Intervention services.  I really believed that eventually she would catch up.  It became clear that she was not catching up as we had hoped, and I'm so grateful that we started Early Intervention so early for her.  
We currently have a full team, and it will remain that way.  Elizabeth can receive Early Intervention services until she turns three next May.  Right now, we have 2 hours of Vision Therapy, 2 hours of PT, 2 hours of OT, 2 hours of Speech, 1 hour of Developmental Therapy, and 1 Nutrition appointment a week.  We also have an amazing caseworker that helps to manage everything.  Our Early Intervention team is incredible.  They are an amazing group of women, and we love them all.  One thing is for sure, Elizabeth has made so much progress since we began Early Intervention when she was 4 months old, and it is a testament to the wonderful team of therapists that we have through Early Intervention.  I will never be able to thank them enough for everything that they have done for our sweet Elizabeth and our family.  

Early Intervention is a FREE service for children from birth to age three who have developmental delays, and the evaluation is free even if your child ends up not qualifying.  We don't pay a single cent for any of the services.  We would not be able to afford the cost of this therapy that our Elizabeth so desperately needs, and we are so grateful for this free program that has allowed us to see progress and has given us so much hope. 

We LOVE Early Intervention, and our team.  They have spent hours designing communication and visual activities for Elizabeth, collaborating with each other to work together to design interventions to best suit her needs, and going above and beyond to help Elizabeth reach milestones and make progress.  They have been there to listen and have been so supportive as answers are coming in and we continue to process what this all means for Elizabeth and her future.  They are like family to us, and we are so grateful to have them in our lives.  So, to each and every one on our team, we love you.  Thank you for all that you have done for Elizabeth and for us.

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